| | | | | | | | | | | - Register here to participate in the Global Disability Summit (GDS), February 14 - 17:
- Youth Summit: February 14
- Civil Society Forum: February 15
- Global Disability Summit: February 16-17
| | - Please register here for the Global Disability Summit event Inclusive Education: Learnings from the GEM Reports and COVID-19 on February 16 at 12 pm ET, and help spread the word!
- Co-hosted by the Global Campaign for Education (GCE), GCE-Norway, GCE-US, CaNDER, Light for the World, Save the Children, and UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report, this event will shed light on challenges as well as promising practices for inclusive education, based on the findings of the Global Disability Summit Inclusive Education Thematic Workshop and the Global Education Monitoring Report.
- Next GCE-US Coalition Meeting: Register here for our next coalition meeting, to be held on March 2 at 9 am ET.
| | Take Action: Your Voice Matters! |
| | | Please take action by contacting your members of Congress in support of global education: Now is a critical time to reach your Senators and Representatives, before funding levels are finalized. Thank you for your partnership, support, and advocacy! |
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| | Highlights Inclusive Education Thematic Workshop Thank you to all speakers, co-sponsors, and participants for your engagement and partnership! The resulting Call to Action: Recommendations from the Global Disability Summit Thematic Workshop on Inclusive Education can be downloaded here. We appreciated hearing from the following speakers and presenters on January 20: - Refaat Sabbah, President, Global Campaign for Education
- Sue Swenson, Board Treasurer, International Disability Alliance
- Linda Etim, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Development, Global Health, and Humanitarian Response, National Security Council, USA
- Josh Josa, Disability Inclusive Education Specialist, USAID
- Alexander Bankole Williams, Advocacy Chair, Ghana Federation of Disability Organizations
- Penny Innes, Head of Disability Inclusion Team; Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, UK
- Dr. Magreth Matonya, Director of Inclusive Education, Tanzania Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
- Alexandra Matei, World Vision Syria Response Advocacy and Communications Director
- Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo, Global Disability Advisor, World Bank Group
- Khansa Maria, MPhil in Development Studies Candidate and Rhodes Scholar from Pakistan, University of Oxford
- Jaime Cruz Juscamaita, Self-Advocate (Peru), Inclusion International/Empower Us
- Dr. Ernestine NGO MELHA, Founder and Executive Director, Association d'Aide à l'Education de l'Enfant Handicapé (AAEEH)
- Dragana Ciric Milovanovic, Director, European Regional Office, Disability Rights International
- Jennifer Rigg, Executive Director, GCE-US and Co-Chair, Inclusive Education & Early Childhood Community of Practice
| | | GCE-US would like to extend a special thank you to the speakers at our coalition meeting on February 1, Katie Malouf Bous (Oxfam International), Dr. Priyadarshani Joshi (UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report), Jitu Brown (Journey for Justice Alliance), and Casey Recabarren (Humanity & Inclusion), for a powerful discussion on the human right to Education For All and the newly released 2021/2 UNESCO Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report. |
| | | | On January 22, GCE-US celebrated International Day of Education. Together, let's advocate every day for the human right to quality, inclusive education for all! |
| | | January 2022 marked the one-year anniversary of the Global Child Thrive Act. Learn more about how our collective advocacy is strengthening early childhood care and education for children around the world! |
| | | | GCE-US welcomed two new student fellows this month: Anny Lin and Pierina Anton Lopez! Pierina Anton Lopez is a GCE-US Fellow and a Masterβs candidate in Global Human Development at the Georgetown Walsh School of Foreign Service, where she is a 2021 USAID Donald M. Payne Fellow. Prior to pursuing her graduate studies, Pierina worked with the United States Institute of Peace to help support the Instituteβs peacebuilding initiatives in the Donbas region of Ukraine. She also interned with USAIDβs Bureau for Africa, in the Education and Youth Division, and supported the agencyβs work in education in crisis and conflict, social and emotional learning, and countering school-related gender-based violence in Sub-Saharan Africa. While completing her Bachelorβs degree in International Relations at Florida International University, Pierina served as a Youth Casework Aide with the International Rescue Committee in Miami, Florida. There, she connected unaccompanied youth migrants to essential social services, including healthcare, education, and pro-bono legal assistance. Her interest in international education development led her to Siem Reap, Cambodia, where she taught English at a local teacher training college and developed a report on the Cambodian education sector and interviewed staff working with UNICEF in Siem Reap. Anny Lin serves as a Fellow for the Global Campaign for Education-US, where she supports the organizationβs advocacy, public policy, communications, and engagement work. She is a current student at The George Washington University, studying international affairs, with a focus in international development and economics. At George Washington (GW) University, Anny has served as the Director of Mentorship and Director of Community Outreach with GW First Gen United. Anny previously interned at Inkululeko, a non-profit organization that promotes education access in the township communities of Makhanda, South Africa, where she assisted with the organizationβs grant management, donor relations, and social media presence. As a Fellow at GCE-US, Anny is excited to support and engage with coalition members and other advocates to further improve equitable education access for all. |
| | We are grateful to our donors, supporters, coalition members, and partners! |
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