Celebrations & New Year Plans

On behalf of the GCE-US team, we hope you and your loved ones had a restful holiday and that 2025 is off to a great start. Welcome to our re-designed newsletter for the new year!

We ended 2024 on a celebratory note with passage of the READ Act Reauthorization Act on December 18. This victory was the result of months of work by our community and in recent weeks included a GCE-US led Week of Action, countless emails/phone calls/visits to Capitol Hill decision makers, and media outreach. This tremendous win was the capstone to a year of change and growth at GCE-US.

See our 2024 impact highlights.

Looking ahead, we're preparing to engage with the 119th Congress and the new Trump Administration as they begin work on budget negotiations and set priorities for the next few years. It will be critical for us to educate freshman members of Congress and the incoming Administration about the importance of investing in international basic education and continue to build champions for global education.

Thank you for joining us in advancing this mission! We look forward to working together in the new year.


Giulia McPherson
Executive Director


Welcome New Board Members

As the new year begins, GCE-US welcomed four new members to its Board of Directors - Melaku Alito, Katie Loos, Dr. Christi Smith, and Teresa Welsh. Each member brings their own unique experience in the areas of academia, communications, finance, and youth engagement and we are thrilled to have them join our growing team.


Member Spotlight: Childhood Education International

Childhood Education International works in partnership to co-create innovative solutions to education challenges and build bright futures for all children.

CE International designs and co-develops inclusive, equitable, and holistic approaches for children’s development and learning through teacher professional development and capacity-building for organizations and key stakeholders.

CE International’s priority areas include early childhood development; inclusive education; education during migration, displacement, and emergencies; education for sustainable development; and child rights. Explore Project Highlights and learn more below!


Upcoming Events

New Resources


Global Campaign for Education - US
2316 Rhode Island Avenue NE  | Washington, District of Columbia 20018
202-765-2248 | info@gce-us.org

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